How to Clean Baked On or Burnt Food from Dishes
Nothing is worse than taking the time to make a excellent lasagna or casserole, and forgetting about it! Perhaps you step out for a minute or get caught up on the phone. You smell something burning, run back to the kitchen to check the oven. But it's too late, its burnt all the way, there's no saving your would-be masterpiece. The next step is dumping out the pan and cleaning off the residue. Stuck on messes are a pain! They become a struggle between scrubbing and soaking. So here's a tip that I found online the other day. Sterling House Cleaning services Somis, Simi Valley, Carpinteria, Santa Paula, Saticoy, Fillmore, Piru, Oxnard, and Port Hueneme, Ventura, Ojai, Camarillo, Moorpark, Agoura Hills, Newbury Park, Westlake Village, West Hills, Thousand Oaks.
Step 1:
Fill the pan with warm, soapy water.
Step 2:
Place a fabric softener/dryer sheet on top of the water.
Step 3:
Let it soak for about an hour!
Step 4:
Continue cleaning like you normally would.
More information on this tip can be found on:
Huffington Post's Website:
PopSugar's Website:
Sterling House Cleaning provides bedroom cleaning, kitchen cleaning, bathroom cleaning, living space cleaning, office cleaning and much more. We also provide closet cleaning and closet organizing, and garage cleaning and garage organizing. Sterling House Cleaning services Somis, Simi Valley, Carpinteria, Santa Paula, Saticoy, Fillmore, Piru, Oxnard, and Port Hueneme, Ventura, Ojai, Camarillo, Moorpark, Agoura Hills, Newbury Park, Westlake Village, West Hills, Thousand Oaks.
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